Wolfgang Hildebrandt

"Let’s Keep Our Dreams Alive”

No matter how you feel about the World Cup in Qatar, no matter what mistakes have been made and no matter what mistakes are still to be made, “Let’s Keep Our Dreams Alive”.

One thing is certain the people who gave their lives to build the stadiums did not die in vain. Human rights have never been discussed as often as in the past few days. That's actually the only good thing about this whole story. Certainly one can only hope that the bereaved will at least receive compensation.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the people fighting and dying for their freedom in Iran, they had dreams of a better future. It is tragic and dire that in today's civilized time, regimes have this power to destroy people and bring suffering to humanity.

In the middle of a huge climate catastrophe and at the same time also a human catastrophe, “Let’s Keep Our Dreams Alive”.

It's just bad that people who have the power and the money decide about destruction, suffering and life. Nevertheless, we should always stand up and point out grievances, the constant dripping wears away the stone or “The Squeaking Wheel Gets the Oil”.

We must not stop fighting for peace and freedom. No matter in which field of work we are in and also as a pensioner we can always do our part.

Let's stand up and fight peacefully for human rights. “One World One Love”

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